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Goderich to Guelph Rail Trail Inc. strives to enrich the quality of life for all people.
Our vision: To develop and maintain a continuous, safe and fully accessible G2G Rail Trail Experience that is 127 KM of linear, multi-use greenspace from the 401 corridor at Guelph, Ontario to the shores of Lake Huron at Goderich, Ontario.  

We seek to provide meaningful financial support to other charitable organizations within our community whose aim is to improve the lives of those in need.

At Habitat for Humanity Guelph Wellington, we believe that a house is much more than the bricks-and-mortar. When we build houses with our volunteers, skilled tradespeople, families, partners and supporters. We are building a vibrant future for our entire community.

Portfolio Management

“Whether you are just starting out in retirement or somewhere in between, we work with you and proven money managers to ensure your money is working as hard as you do. The motto “protect and invest” are not just a tagline. This is our core belief. You must protect what you currently have. Then and only then can you move forward and make future facing decisions.”

Estate Planning

“With over a trillion dollars of wealth expecting to change hands between generations over the next decade, you would think we would be better prepared. Recent surveys show that two thirds of Canadians do not have a will. Sentry Group Motivating Success has been working with clients for over 20 years creating estate solutions for families and business owners. We also have two individuals who hold the “Certified Executor Advisor” designation to guide you in the changes that may lay ahead.”

Financial Lifestyle

“Are your goals, your actions and your current results in line? Using our three-step process, discovery, analysis, and solutions we will establish your current situation, bring the required resources to the table and present solutions to ensure that you are on your road to success.”

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